Microfluidic automatised cell culture media management | AMF

Microfluidic automatised cell culture media management system


Combining an SPM and an RVM, it is possible to create an automatic cell culture media management system.

At the input, different medias or components of medias are connected, so as to test the perfect media balance for your cells, or simply to renew/change the media automatically.

At the output, the media is either sent to waste, or through an analyser. This can be used as a simple monitor or, with feeback from the analyser, it could make an automatic system to have the perfect conditions for your cell growth at all times!

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What can be monitored in cell media?

Many different parameters can be monitored in cell culture media, to guarantee the best growing parameters, or define the time to change the cells, such as: pH, amino acids, sugars, vitamins, nucleic acid components etc.


Requirement component:

  • Computer
  • LSPone syringe pump
  • RVM rotary valve
  • Desired medias at entrance
  • At the input: Two medias, directly connected to the valve integrated in the pump. One rinse liquid, connected through the RVM. The cell culture dish.
  • In blue: Possible feedback loop(s). The setup can be completely adapted to the particular cells that you use.
  • Cell culture dish
  • Desired analysers at exit
  • Waste reservoir
  • Wubings & connectors
  • At the output: The cell culture dish, connected to the pump. Various analysers, multiplexed by the RVM. A waste recipient to avoid contamination.

Typical values in mammalian cell cultures

In this setup, it has been chosen to monitor 4 parameters: pH, oygen, glucose and ammonium.The goal values for each of these parameters depends on the cell that is being grown. Nevertheless, here is the order of magnitude for mammalian cells for each parameter:

  • pH: ~7
  • Oxygen: ~1-350 mol/cell/s
  • Glucose: ~1250 mg/L
  • Ammonium: ~1.2-60 mM

What’s in it for you?

  • No need to come during the weekend to nourish your cells anymore!
  • Create the perfect media for all your cell types
  • Constantly monitor and modify your media
  • Repeat the exact same sequence on different dishes
  • Affordable automated system
Made in Switzerland
10+ years of experience
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